$2,495.00 ea.
Become more visible in your community by donating, to a worthy cause, this “Bronze Fallen Fire Fighter Statue” to your local fire department or a fire department of your choosing. This museum-quality work of art is hand-made using the lost-wax method, is meticulously detailed, stands sixteen inches high, is mounted on a marble base, and weighs thirty pounds.
We contact the media, which is eager to continue the narrative and cover the story. In terms of goodwill, advertising, and notoriety, you should receive several times more than the $2500 donation and possibly new clients.
Our first ” Donate Bronze Fallen Firefighter Statue Program” is now complete. Dan Pinkerton, a Couer d’Alene businessman, donated the statue to the Couer d’Alene fire department. The dedication was held on 9/11/22 at the new Couer d’Alene fire station and then permanently placed at the Couer d’Alene City Admission Building. Dan was presented with an appreciation plaque, and several local channels carried the story.
Call me and let’s discuss your project. It’s easier than you think. 321 804 4642 Richard